Welcome to the world of MCC.
我们很高兴欢迎来自世界各地的国际学生来到我们学院. 我们的国际学生作为运动员是我们多元化社区的重要贡献者, 校园领袖, 以及成功转入优秀大学的令人印象深刻的新葡京官网.
We're ready to help you!
Building: 1, Room: 211
(585) 292-2200
你对申请和录取过程有什么问题吗? Schedule an Appointment with an 招生 Representative 在布莱顿校区,Zoom或电话预约也可用.
Building 1, Room 211
小时: |
Monday – Friday 8:45am – 4:45pm |
电话: |
585.292.2200 |
传真: |
How to 应用, Step by Step
以下是快速轻松地完成MCC申请流程的步骤. We’re happy to help you in any way during the process. That’s why we’re here. 请联系 us at International招生@analysesrereadingstheories.com.
Take a closer look at MCC by checking out our majors and programs. 每个都由一个屡获殊荣的教授团队领导,致力于教学, offering an unmatched value in college education. If you need help choosing a course of study, 我们的招生顾问可以亲自与您交谈,为您提供所有学术选择的建议.
如果你打算进入四年制大学,看看MCC的独特之处 transfer programs. You’ll find out just how valuable your MCC education can be.
注意: 国际学生没有资格进入任何为期一年的证书课程, only to two-year Associate Degree programs. 国际学生没有资格直接进入联合健康课程(护理), 口腔卫生, Surgical Technology, Clinical Lab Technology, Radiologic Technology) or the Automotive Technology programs. 联合医疗和汽车项目是竞争激烈的入学项目, 要求在录取前成功完成几门必修课程. 感兴趣的学生可以在MCC注册其他学术课程(如.g. Liberal Arts, 健康 Studies, etc.),完成先决条件,然后申请这些竞争激烈的入学项目. 请联系 internationaladmissions@analysesrereadingstheories.com with any questions about the competitive admission programs.
- 如果您正在申请纽约州立大学(SUNY)系统中的多所学院/大学, you can fill out and submit the SUNY application. There is a $50 application fee for the SUNY application. 系统会提示你在纽约州立大学申请的校园列表中选择澳门官方娱乐游戏平台. 如果您只申请澳门官方娱乐游戏平台,请填写并提交 MCC application. There is no application fee. It is recommended to apply by June 1 for fall admission, or November 15 for spring admission, to allow sufficient time for the F-1 visa process.
- Submit the following supporting documents:
- High school transcripts提交高中正式成绩单(成绩单、考试成绩、证书). 影印成绩单是可以接受的,只要他们有学校官员的原始签名或证明. 成绩单必须是英文的,并包括毕业或完成的证明.
- English language proficiency: You must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) if English is not your native or first language. We also accept the Duolingo English Test! MCC requires a minimum score of 55 on internet-based TOEFL, 5.雅思成绩5分,或者多邻国成绩不低于80分才会被考虑录取. 要将托福考试成绩发送到MCC,请使用学校代码2429.
注意: 托福网考成绩在55-69分之间,雅思成绩在5分之间的考生.5-6.0分,或者多邻国成绩在80-95分之间,符合我校录取要求. 然而,学生在抵达后将被要求参加ESOL分班考试. 这些学生可能需要ESOL支持课程,除了他们的学术课程, but only for the first 1-2 semesters of study. 自动进入英语101大学写作课程要求托福网考成绩不低于70分, a minimum IELTS score of 6.5, or a minimum Duolingo score of 100.
- Financial documentation提交正式的银行对账单,证明有足够的资金支付至少一年的学习费用,并且是否得到赞助商的支持, 一个完整的 SUNY International Student Financial Statement signed and stamped by your sponsor's bank and sponsor. 所有申请签证资格证书(表格I-20)的F-1申请人都需要经济支持证明。. 声明应该是最新的,官方的,用英语写的.
- Photo identification – Provide a copy of the ID page of your passport.
- College transcripts (if applicable):提交所有大专课程的正式成绩单. If you wish to transfer foreign college credit to MCC, you must use a credential evaluation service such as World Education Services (WES).
Please mail your documents to:
招生 Office
Monroe 社区 College
1000 East Henrietta Road
Rochester, New York 14623-5780 USA
To submit electronic documents:
- Documents must be clearly scanned PDF files. Please email to internationaladmissions@analysesrereadingstheories.com
If you need help during this process, please contact our 招生 Office online,或致电(585)292-2200(请加上您所在国家的拨码).
SUNY ApplicationMCC International Student Application Instructions (PDF)
International Student Services DepartmentSUNY for International Students
GDPR Privacy Notice (PDF)
Below is a list of estimated annual expenses, 这是用来决定你或你的经济担保人需要证明你有多少钱来资助你在世纪挑战的教育。
项 | 成本 |
Non-resident 学费 (Fall & Spring Semesters): | $10,100 |
大学学费: | $1,498 |
On-campus 住房 (optional) | $7,300 |
Food (Groceries estimate, not billed by the College) | $3,500 |
书 & 供应 | $1,000 |
Mandatory International Student 健康 Insurance: | $2,532 |
Total Minimum Budget | $25,930 |
注意: 上面列出的费用是根据本年度或上一年估算的. 澳门官方娱乐游戏平台保留更改学费的权利, fees and residence hall charges annually. Medical insurance costs also update annually.
As an international student, you are required by the U.S. 在MCC签发I-20表格(F-1学生签证资格证书)之前,国土安全部提供你第一个完整学年(9个月/2个学期)的财务资源证明文件。.
如果任何学生希望有一个受抚养的家庭成员陪同他们到美国.S., 你必须证明额外的经济支持金额为3美元,500 for dependent child and/or $7,配偶∶000.
学费和杂费的账单是在每学期(秋季和春季)注册课程时创建的,付款说明将包含在您的账单中. 请直接向MCC学生会计办公室付款.
提交此担保人宣誓书的学生将不需要证明有足够的资金用于校内住房. 住在校外但要支付房租的学生仍然需要证明有足够的资金. 该地区的校内住房和校外住房的租金成本是相当的.